Legionella mobile risk assessment

Residential Legionella Risk Assessment Software

Landlords who provide residential accommodation, as the person in control of the premises or responsible for the water systems in their premises, have a legal duty to ensure that the risk of exposure of tenants to legionella is properly assessed and controlled. This duty extends to residents, guests, tenants and customers. HSG 274 Part 2 - Para 2.138

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Our Legionella Risk Assessment software has been specifically designed to provide comprehensive Legionella risk assessment reports with a uniform feel across multiple assessors or even different service providers.

Simple control measures can help manage the risk of exposure to legionella and should be maintained, such as:

  • flushing out the system before letting the property
  • avoiding debris getting into the system (e.g. ensure the cold water tanks where fitted have a tight-fitting lid)
  • setting control parameters (e.g. setting the temperature of the calorifier to ensure water is stored at 60 °C)
  • making sure any redundant pipework identified is removed
  • advising tenants to regularly clean and disinfect showerheads.

L8MS designed an easy to use web platform, that can deliver a simple “proportionate” Legionella risk assessment for landlords.

The software assists Landlords/Letting & Management Agents:
  • Who manage large numbers of units to achieve a common risk assessment template and risk rating method.
  • Save time developing their own system.
  • Minimising the time required to report risk assessment findings.
  • All reports are stored and generated from the website.
  • Control multiple assessors.

Assessors can ask questions of Graham Thompson and Alan Greaves if they come across something more challenging.

“Untruth” guidance.

Some companies are offering to take a water sample from a domestic property and issuing a certificate to confirm it is legionella free

  • A water sample is not a risk assessment
  • It could be part of an assessment
  • But it does not negate the requirement to produce a condition appraisal report of the condition of the water systems and fixed assets within the property.

HSE Guidance — https://www.hse.gov.uk/legionnaires/faqs.htm

Graham Thompson and Alan Greaves between them are on the

  • Water Management Society Technical committee
  • BSI working groups
  • Royal Society for Public Health and Institute of Healthcare Engineering & Estate Management members
  • They both worked with the HSE on the recent update of ACoP L8 and technical guidance HSG274 Part 2
  • as well as being involved in the re-write of DOH HTM04-01 Parts A, B and C

Their careers include over 25 years’ each, working in water hygiene risk assessment and consultancy.

This has helped develop a practical approach to delivering easily digestible training material.

Residential Legionella Risk Assessment App

The residential legionella risk assessment software is available on-line from www.l8ms.com. Usernames and passwords can be easily set up to view, print or download the full report. Also you can download the specific allocated Tenants responsibilities in the safe use of the water systems within the property. All reports generated can be customised to reflect the corporate identity of the landlord/agent and there is the option to produce a Tenant Service Level Agreement. This should be signed and witnessed by the new/existing tenant as proof that they have accepted their responsibility for safe use of the water systems while they are the sitting tenant.

The residential legionella risk assessment software is also available on mobile devices (Android & IoS) to allow the an assessor to complete the residential legionella risk assessment at the premises, saving time and the ensuring accuracy of the risk assessment.